Lender and borrower fees

An overview of lender and borrower fees.


1. Are there any lender fees?

2. Are there any borrower fees?

anchor lenderfees

Are there any lender fees?

No, there are no fees payable by the bondholder when investing into a CARLTON Bond. There are also no ongoing management fees.

anchor borrowerfees

Are there any borrower fees?

Borrowers are required to pay;

  • Arrangement fee. The borrowers will pay Carlton Finance an arrangement fee of typically 1.0% to 2.5% of the vale of the loan. The borrower will also be expected to pay for third party due diligence costs.
  • Interest rate. Each borrower will pay a pre-agreed interest rate.
  • Exit fee. The borrowers will pay Carlton Finance an exit fee of typically 1.0% to 2.5% of the value of the loan upon repayment.
  • Ongoing costs. Borrowers may also pay monitoring fees to Carlton Finance.